The benefits of massage therapy

I believe the best function of massage is as a preventative; regular massages can help to keep the musculoskeletal system of the horse healthy, release any tension which could lead to the development of compensatory patterns if left unresolved and also identify areas of tension which may indicate minor issues before they become more serious problems. 

However, as many of us know, life with horses is often not straight forward and prevention is not always possible… trauma and injuries can still occur, in spite of our best efforts to keep our horses safe and pain free. In these situations, massage therapy with a combined rehabilitation plan (and vet approval) is beneficial in improving comfort and aiding recovery.

The techniques and modalities used during therapy sessions have multifunctional benefits to the horse, including:

  • Releasing muscular tension, adhesions, contractions and spasms

  • Improved muscle tone

  • Relieving fascial tension 

  • Aiding joint mobility and stimulating synovial fluids

  • Cell and tissue regeneration through increased blood and nutrient supply 

  • Manual lymphatic drainage aiding detoxification and the removal of metabolic waste

  • Stimulation of the neurological system and tension relief in the neural pathways

  • Relaxation